Monday, August 24, 2009

Season 3 of The Guild Begins Tomorrow!

The third season of The Guild will premiere tomorrow (the 25th) on MSN Video. Remember, the last time we left The Knights of Good, Codex went into spirit form and suddenly had zero men interested in her. Will she fall for the warlock after all?

Seven New Zones Introduced at Blizzcon

Gossip has it that World of Warcraft: Cataclysm will bring seven new zones to the map. The new map design and the name of these new areas was unveiled recently at Blizzcon, where all the fun secrets are being spilled.

Gilneas, Twilight Highlands, Deepholm, Sunken City of Vashj'ir, The Lost Isles, Uldum and Mount Hyjal will son provide new adventure and excitement for all WoW-ers. Shacknews is offering the best in maps for players who want to get a sneak peek. to Become Mandatory

Recent comments from those in-the-know at Blizzard say that soon, a account will be mandatory for all players. Currently, the lengthy sign-up process at is completed in five separate steps.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Patch 3.2.0a: Fixing WoW Mistakes

As always, a big patch recently put in place by Blizzard now needs to be fixed. This is being handled in the form of patch 3.2.0a, which provides many small fixes to several pesky problems brought on by patch 3.2.

Command exploits, logon problems, several Mac bugs and a Freya visibility problem (her light beams were near invisible) make up the bulk of the fixes.

Sacred Bear Circle

This sacred meeting of high-ranking, badass tanking bears took place on the Skullcrusher realm, most likely to discuss a hatred for Blizzard's tendency to nerf us.'s just some people screwing around.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Bear-y Fun: Stormwind Dancing Parade

What's better than a bear in the World of Warcraft? Lots and lots and lots of bears!

And remember, the videos I post weren't made by me. Try not to be "jellus."

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Are You Ready to Tank That Yet?

You're a bear, so you're pretty naturally bad...but that doesn't mean you can hit level 80 and fall into Ulduar, either. Are you ready to tank that instance yet? Find out what you need, before you go in and fall flat.


To effectively tank in Naxx 10 or 25, a bear tank should be sitting at 30% dodge or more and have at least 30k health. Use buffs to bring up your numbers if you find you're a little low.

Eye of Eternity

There's a certain school of thought that says only Death Knights should tank Malygos, but this is bunk. Druids can tank through EoE with ease, though they may need help maintaining their threat. Use misdirections to make it a little easier. Tanks who are Naxx 25 ready should be able to get through Maly 10; for 25, try to reach at least 32k health.


Tanks have to be versatile and fast-acting in Ulduar, as this raid offers many very long, multiple mob boss fights. You want to be at 34k health comfortably if you're going to tank here, with a high mitigation of 30% dodge or more.

Monday, August 10, 2009

More Patch 3.2 Changes for Druids

Patch 3.2 is here and there are more changes in the World of Warcraft, which is really just one huge bear den if you persist in looking at it from a four-legged point of view (as I do). So, what can up-and-coming and existing druids expect from this brave new World of play?

The game continues to be made that much easier, now with flight form learned at level 60 and travel form awarded at the whoppingly low level of 16. Yowzah! The young cubs certainly have it easy these days.

The look of Savage Defense, a racial bear ability only recently introduced in a preceding patch, has new animation that no longer makes the bear stand upright.

Bears can now see their mana levels when shape shifted, a feature available in many different add-ons. We can now also use rage potions, which we've lived without for so long this is pretty much a bust.

There is a certain school of thought (I think I've mostly spearheaded this movement) that says Blizzard hates the bear. Evidence of this continues to mount in the form of continuing armor and mitigation nerfs, more of which have been presented with Patch 3.2. A 15% agility-to-dodge and dodge rating-to-dodge nerf has been introduced which does slightly lower the bear's ability to take a hit. The new buff to Enrage, which now offers 20 instant rage and 10 rage over the next 10 seconds, doesn't at all make up for it. Bears continue to be the baddest and the best, Blizzard continues to nerf. The result? Pallys still can't touch our health, guys.

Change Your Form by Changing Your Hair

Want to know which hairstyles you need to get the right color form, now that druids have finally been changed? The 'do you were rocking before Patch 3.2 may not look so hot when you jump into bear form.

Thankfully, the folks at Wow Insider have it all figured out for you. Get the look you want with only the minor inconvenience of finding a barber shop.